About NCWR

Where do I begin?

In a nutshell

We start by examining why we should all have a basic understanding about the freshwater resources and, as a class, we jointly decide which water topic we wish to know more about.

1 class hour

10-12 years old

In class

Our objectives

In this activity you will:

  • Examine the analogy of freshwater and salt water on the planet.
  • Discuss various issues related to freshwater resources and their management.
  • Co-decide, as a class, which water-related theme you’d like to investigate further.

Things to use

Cardboard, scissors, markers

Play & Learn

Do you know how much of the total water on Earth is freshwater?

Group activity


Using only two containers of the same size, how can you show the difference between the quantities of freshwater vs. saltwater on Earth? 


Break in small groups of four and discuss the following. Keep notes and briefly present your outcomes in class.

  • Who needs water? Do you think that freshwater in enough for all people?
  • Have you ever experienced a day without water e.g. due to a damage in the ? How did you cope with it?
  • Are you aware of any problem related to water in your town or country? Discuss what the problem is (e.g. quality, shortage, etc.) and how is dealt.


All life depends on water

Water is an essential resource for all living organisms. Animals, plants, insects, micro-organisms, and, of course, humans cannot live without it. We drink it and use it in so many activities, e.g. for washing, cooking, watering, producing goods, etc. Farmers need it to their crops. Water is used in all sorts of factories for product processing and machine operation. Discover the water uses/users in our homepage!

However, freshwater of good quality is eventually becoming less and less due to over-consumption (e.g. in agriculture, tourism & leisure activities, etc.); pollution as well as climate change. We should never forget that water resources are limited, fragile and under pressure.

This is why we need to protect them in every way we can! 


Group activity

The water diamond of our class

  1. Cut 12 cards of A5 size (half a page A4).
  2. Divide in small groups of four and use two cards in each group.
  3. Discuss and decide in your groups on two issues related to water that you are interested to learn more about.
  4. Write these topics on the two cards: use key-words and avoid long sentences.
  5. Present the cards to your classmates. If two cards (topics) are repeated, keep only one.
  6. As a class, arrange the selected cards in a diamond shape, placing the most important topic on the top, continuing with the topics of less importance as you move downwards, and ending with the least important on the bottom. With the help of your teacher, keep changing the positions of the cards until you reach consensus for the final content of your diamond.
  7. Place your diamond on the wall. Give it a title and take a photo!

As a next step, search for answers for all the issues of your diamond, in whatever order you have chosen, starting with your top-ranked, most urgent priority.

Water shares

Water meter

I liked this activity…

Way forward

Dive in …

Based on your top-ranked topic, you can “dive” in any one of the activities of this website, or specifically in the following:

Water in the city if you want to explore more about water in your city.

Water resources if you want to “discover” the water resources of your place.

Climate Change: Why should I care? if you want to start examining the climate pressures on water.


Go back to the homepage!

Water works through time

Water in the city

The water basins


Greywater recycling in practice

Do you know about grey water?

Wastewater treatment

Rainwater Harvesting Systems in practice

Rainwater harvesting


Acting for Climate

Climate change: Why should I care?

Water resources

The water cycle

Where do I begin?

Water works through time

Let's discover the story behind the old fountains, cisterns and aqueducts of our town!


Water in the city

What is the "urban water cycle"? Which are the important aspects of water management within a city environment?


The water basins

In this activity we learn what a water drainage basin is and why it is important for the experts to study it.



Let's find out how sea and brackish water can become a freshwater resource!


Greywater recycling in practice

How a greywater system is installed? Let's find out!


Do you know about grey water?

Let's find out what "greywater” is and how we can use it!


Wastewater treatment

In this activity we learn about how wastewater is treated and what we can do with the treated water.


Rainwater Harvesting Systems in practice

What are the various types of rainwater harvesting systems? Let's find out more about them!


Rainwater harvesting

Can we collect rainwater? And how do we use it? Let's find out!



What is our water footprint and how can we reduce it?


Acting for Climate

What are the main sectors contributing to climate change? What are countries doing to address it? What can we do for climate collectively at school and at community level?


Climate change: Why should I care?

We discuss the greenhouse effect and the greenhouse gases, how climate change is linked to our lifestyles and ways we can cope with it on a personal level.


Water resources

Lt's discover the water resources of our region.


The water cycle

Let's travel within the water cycle!


Where do I begin?

Let's see why it is important to know about water in our region.
